We are a private equity group actively seeking investment opportunities in Applied Sciences & TICC industries – Testing; Inspection; Certification and Compliance.
Generally speaking, the business will have a turnover of $2 – 20 million and may be solvent or distressed.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss opportunities.
Bridging the gap between the realm of Finance and Deductive Expertise.
Our mission is to develop and support industry-leading teams whose purpose is to quantify and qualify the unknown into verifiable facts.
In a fast-changing world full of information overload, varying and exacting standards, bias, and opinion we work to build businesses with a mission to cut through the noise; proving fact from fiction.
We balance risk within the 6 categories of leverage; financial, time, technology / systems, communications / marketing, network / relationships, and experience / knowledge to create an infinite minded group of companies able to not only function but prosper in a world of uncertainty.
Founding Partners that have united like values with a balancing of expertise.
As investors, we are passionate about supporting businesses through a personalized approach to unlocking their full potential by providing exit options, mergers, acquisitions, consultancy, and business recovery.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Our Personal and Business Values, Mission and Approach are built upon and guided by the application of wisdom from individuals such as:
Napoleon Hill
Albert Einstein
Warren Buffet
Andrew Carnegie
Knowledge Library
To help with all our of our business and personal development we have created and curated a library of content in order to take a deeper dive into what matters.
For all enquiries contact us using the details below.
To learn more about the QQMA Group, our M&A process or to explore a possible partnership please get in touch. We are always interested to connect with Business Owners, Investors and those that support the business lifecycle.